Full statistisc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LAivZYXDpB9oTIg5qqNZVdy3QU6RtdkxSw-JJSPYCjM/edit?usp=sharing
Source: https://www.facebook.com/notes/adria-disc-dog-challenge/season-2018-wrap-up/297667477734943/
Basic statistics
We got 19 answers from players, 9 from Open Expert and 10 from Novice. Average player age, who participated and answered on this question was 27,76 years. Youngest player (not counting junior divisions) was 14 years and oldest was 44 years. Also players experience was important question, we got 3 really experienced players, with 10+ years of experience and a lot of players with 1 years or less experience. The average experience was 4,47 years.
Attractiveness of disciplines
In general people were above average satisfied with disciplines offered. The most attractive discipline was Frizgility, with an average of 4,44 and being favourite (4 points or more) by 16 players. 4 Way Play lands on second most attractive (average of 4,28), then Bullseye (4,25).
Less attractive were Pairs disciplines, with “regular” Pars which scored 3,07 and GCDC Team 3,38. Also most people disliked (score 2 or less) Pairs discipline – 5 people answered this way.
As for Minidistance disciplines, most attractive was USDDN format, which scores 4,06, followed by GCDC with 3,63 and AWI with 3,56 points. USDDN also got most high scores 13 players answered with 4 or more.
Prefered formats
Looking at results of prefered disciplines, players want a diversity of all. Disciplines with most in favor (13) were Freestyle, Orientation awareness, Speed disciplines and Obstacle disciplines. With just 1 answer less we got Precision games and with 11 in favor Long distance games. We have to emphasize that Long distance disciplines got most dislikes, with 6 players would not like to see them on our competitions.
Prefered minidistance format is far afront USDDN with 14 likes!. AWI got 7 likes and GCDC with 6 likes. Formats that were not presented on competitions are Skyhoundz with 4 likes and UFO with 2.
Scoring, as it was this year (winner got 25 points, 2nd place 20…) is liked by most of players. It got an average of 4,37 and with lowest score of 3 it look like most of players are satisfied.
Close call is whether all competitions should count or worst one should be scratched. 10 players answered all should count and 9 that worst should be scratched leaving us open to both ways and will be one of most debatable topic for next season.
Scoring on single competition also has close call, but with 8 votes in favour of this year format, where minidistance and best one from the remaining 2 counted towards end score. 6 players answered that all disciplines should count and 5 that best 2 from all disciplines.
13 people also liked transition rules from Novice to Expert, only 3 players dislike it, and 3 would leave it to players to decide.
Side events
Side events are prefered by most of players and attractive addition. With average score of 4,53 it looks like they will be offered also next year.
In general players were satisfied with judging giving overall average of 4,04. Best judging according to players was in Zagreb with average of 4,28, following by Ljubljana with 4,05 and Celje with 3,78. 15 players really like judging in Zagreb and Ljubljana giving score 4 or more, in Celje 12 players give same score. Most negative scores got Ljubljana (3 with 2 or less) and Celje with 2 players answering 2 or less.
Following with judging score 10 players said we don’t need better judges if it would raise competition fee, 9 answered yes on the same question.
General answers
We could easily say in general players were satisfied with what ADDC offered to them. Average score in satisfaction was 4,32, where 15 players answered with 4 or more. All of players want more clubs to join and more competitions for next year.
- Answering questions and comments:
- FIFF ( if the dog is wining and is first , can it take a little brake for the next part of chalenge ) – we agree! This was already debated and if we will offer event like this, we will give more time for dogs to rest!
- Frizgility je ZAKOOON 😀 – we are really happy to hear that 🙂
- I would start with 100, and each competitor minumum of 1 point just for competing in discipline 🙂 – is also possibility, but with average of 4,37 in favor to this year scoring it looks like it will stay this way.
- We❤frizgility! – 🙂
- After each round played, the judge should tell a score to player, and no further corrections like it was in Ljubljana – This is not a practice in any competition anywhere and is also impossible or would take too much time. Judges job is not to summerize scores but to give score for each individual move! In all international rules and practice, scores are in full discretion by scoring judge (other judges are there only to help) and any communication in relation player-judge during the judging is strictly forbidden. Player can see the scores after competition ends. Player does not have the right to view or comments the scores during the competition, he only has the right to know and ask why he was judged the way he was after competition ends or during allocated time for discussion